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Team Divisions (League Age may differ from actual age)


Your registration fee includes the team jersey/shirt and a hat.  We provide helmets and bats in each dug out but you are certainly welcomed to purchase your own helmet and bat.  You will need to provide a glove and cleats.  Don't buy baseball pants until you meet your coach and find out the team colors.

All games are played week days only with game times starting at 5:30pm or 7:30pm.  If make up games are necessary due to inclement weather, Saturdays may be an option.

Mini TBall - This division includes all  4 year olds.  They normally play twice a week for approximately 1 hours, 6:00pm- 7:00pm  (cleats not required)

TBall - This division includes ages 5 & 6.  They normally play twice a week from 5:30pm - 7pm. (cleats not required)

Coach Pitch - This division includes ages 7 & 8.  Instead of batting from a Tee, the ball is pitched from a machine which is controlled by the coach.  They normally play twice a week from 5:30pm - 7pm.

Minors - This division includes age 9 & 10.  This is the first division that players actually pitch to the opposing team.  They play twice a week, 7:30pm  till end of game or maximum time limit has been reached.

Majors - It includes ages 11, 12  This division bridges the transition from Little League (46/60) to 50/70 Intermediate Baseball on a field size of (50/70).  They play twice a week, 7:30pm till end of game or maximum time limit has been reached.

50/70 Intermediate
 - This division includes ages 13. This division is a transition from the small field to the big field (50/70) with brides to the (60/90) full size field. They play twice a week, 7:30pm till end of game or maximum time limit has been reached.

Seniors -  This division includes ages  14, 15 & 16.  Senior Field Location TBD.  They play twice a week from approximately 7pm - end of game or maximum time limit has been reached. 

HCLL Field Layout

Field Directory


Larry Parrish Complex

2401 E. Johnson Avenue Haines City Florida United States 33844

(Last updated 11/10/20 at 12:04 PM )

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Field 1

(Last updated 07/10/24 at 02:41 PM )

Field 4

(Last updated 07/10/24 at 02:41 PM )

Field 3

(Last updated 07/10/24 at 02:41 PM )

Field 2

(Last updated 07/10/24 at 02:41 PM )

Louis Matthews Complex - Seniors

400 E. Palm Street Davenport Florida United States 33837

(Last updated 03/12/20 at 08:00 PM )

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